Hello, and welcome to BTA.

BTA is an organization of highly educated and intelligent people who entoxicate their brains with alcohol! BTA's goals are

  • To improve the productivity of Ph.D. students working at the VUB campus by providing a nice environment in which to meet and communicate. Monday, wednesday and friday BTA members are joining in order to have a beer taste session. This session takes place DURING lunch, in the VUB restaurant. During the session, the members can exchange research results, and do some chit-chatting.
  • To improve health. Most people don't know it, but beers are just as -- or even more -- healthy than wine (of-course in limited amounts). See Study Shows Beer Has Same Benefits As Red Wine and Scientists drink in glory. Staying healthy and fit is of great importance to poor Ph.D. students who have to work hard every day.
  • To improve the budget of everyone. During the drinking we carefully review each beer objectively. As you read the reviews of BTA you can avoid stupid beers and thus save a lot of money! We aim to uncover the "jungle of Belgian beers". We will expose the best Belgian beers!

We thus highly recommend joining the BTA, where alcohol is consumed under parental supervision so noone will suffer the horrible drinking death, or the ghastly crown cork teeth syndrome! If you are interested in becoming a member, please feel free to contact one of the founders.

--- Peter Ærbraert (in the picture) & Kasper B. Graversen